Mommy Makeover Surgery
It is not always easy to get back into shape after having a family. For most women, pregnancy affects two areas of their body the most – the tummy and the breasts.
The tummy area does not always respond to diet and exercise to resume its flatter shape, and some women are left with small folds of excess skin, a result of stretching during pregnancy. In addition, breasts often lose volume and begin to sag, with breast-feeding further altering the shape.
The effects of pregnancy, childbirth and breast-feeding are different for each woman. If your body has altered shape and you no longer feel happy about the way you look, you may decide that mommy makeover surgery is the answer. A ‘mommy makeover’ consists of an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) to improve the contour of the stomach and waist alongside breast implants and/or a breast uplift treatment.
Feeling good about your appearance is important to self-esteem, but only you can know if surgery is the right step to take. Our surgeons will provide you with the information you need to decide what is right for you and find your ideal option.
Become the best version of yourself with a Mommy Makeover
Breast lift and augmentation, tummy tuck + lipo of waist
Breast lift+tummy tuck+ lipo of waist
Breast augmentation+tummy tuck+ lipo of waist
Services included in the price:
- Rules and regulations corresponding to European standards
- Breast implants or change of existing
- Breast lift*
- FDA/HA/CA certified implants. The certificate will always be issued as a documentation on the implant
- 5 years guarantee for capsule formation. 10 years if you are a non-smoker
- 1 year of post-operations
- Removal of excess skin located on the belly
- Liposuction of the stomach
- Tightening of abdominal muscles*
- Liposuction of surrounding areas of the stomach*
All inclusive services
- Free transport to and from the airport in Kaunas. If you choose to arrive at the airport in Vilnius the return price is around £45.
- Free transportation between the hotel and the clinic
- All the necessary medicines, bandages, and antibiotics to use after the surgery
- Blood test, which will be performed before the surgery
- Special, supportive bra and a suit for compression
- Lymphatic drainage treatment (massage)
- The presence of two surgeons at the surgery
- All-inclusive two-day stay at the clinic
Patient Information
Normally it is possible to perform the full surgery at one time, but under some circumstances it is recommended to split it up in two surgeries. These decisions will be made at the consultation session with your surgeon. If this is the case, then additional costs will be applied. Please note that prices quoted are guide prices only and will only be confirmed after the consultation with the surgeon.
NOTE: If someone is traveling with you, be aware of the expenses regarding stay at the hotel, which is around £30 per person per night. It is not possible for your companion to spend the night with you at the clinic, but visitors are welcome during the opening hours of the clinic.
“Mommy makeover” is a catch-all phrase that refers to a specialized combination of body contouring procedures, performed together to improve the physical changes that linger long after pregnancy. One reason for its popularity is that the mommy makeover has no set components; each procedure is custom-tailored to fit the individual patient’s unique needs. However, the surgical approach generally starts with a breast and abdomen contouring procedure, then adding additional elements as needed.
As the breasts and abdomen are the primary areas of change with motherhood, a mommy makeover will often center around a breast and abdomen procedure. During pregnancy and breast-feeding, the breasts will also enlarge, increasing as much as a full cup size or more. However, returning to ‘normal’ can mean a significant loss in breast volume and noticeable sagging. Throughout a pregnancy, the abdominal muscles, skin, and tissues stretch to safely accommodate the growing baby. Unfortunately, after childbirth, these layers may not bounce back to their taut, pre-baby shape.
Your mommy makeover may include, but not limited to:
- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Lift
- Breast Reduction
- Tummy Tuck
- Circumferential Abdominoplasty
- Liposuction
- Brazilian Butt Lift
Breast implants can restore fullness and lost volume, while a breast lift helps to lift sagging skin for improving shape. Today’s breast augmentation is safer and more effective than ever before. For those with disproportionately large, uncomfortable breasts, a breast reduction surgery can create a smaller, more ideal appearance.
To further improve the figure, commonly added techniques can include the abdominoplasty (also known as a tummy tuck, a circumferential abdominoplasty and liposuction). However, women do not have to stop here; a mommy makeover can also include a thigh lift, arm lift or a Brazilian butt lift.
Depending on the individual surgeon and the recommended set of procedures, a mommy makeover can be performed during one single operation, or for safety reasons, may be spread out over multiple surgical sessions.
Our surgeons can perform many of these procedures at one time, which can help achieve faster results over a shorter recovery time than if you were to have each procedure at a separate time.
Overall, a mummy makeover aims to achieve a more visually pleasing body shape, to give you back your pre-pregnancy body confidence. You may be finding it hard to lose your ‘baby weight’ and the extra skin that came with having a baby. In addition, your breasts may also have changed in a way you are not happy with.
This procedure aims to reverse the changes having a baby has had on your body by:
- Removing excess tummy skin and fat
- Tightening the tummy wall muscles
- Improving the appearance of unwanted scars or stretch marks
- Recreating a more desirable breast appearance
- Reducing or restoring breast volume
- Removing excess fat and skin from the arms and thighs
- Enhancing the volume and shape of the bottom
- Rejuvenating the appearance and tone of the vaginal area
The mums who have this procedure describe a major increase in self-confidence. Therefore, the mummy makeover can have positive effects on you both physically and mentally!
Suitable mummy makeover candidates include anyone who:
- Feels unhappy with their body after having children
- Do not plan to have more children
- Have tried diet and exercise to remove excess fat with little or no success
- Have a healthy BMI
- Do not plan to lose a significant amount of weight after their surgery
- May have excess skin they are unhappy with
- Would like to improve the appearance of unwanted stretch marks or scars
- Would like to improve the appearance of their post-pregnancy breasts
- Are relatively fit and healthy
- Have no serious health conditions
- Have realistic goals for the procedure
- Are emotionally ready for surgery
Depending on what surgeries you decide to have, your surgeon may be able to perform all the surgeries in the one sitting. However, this may not always be possible and so you may have to return more than once for your mummy makeover. Furthermore, the time it takes to perform the surgeries and the amount of time you will need to stay in hospital after will depend on which surgeries you choose to have.
When you have identified your desired procedures, a surgeon will be assigned to you and an initial consultation appointment with your surgeon will be assigned. Together you will discuss your desired procedures, your personal goals for the surgery, the risks involved, and whether they can be accomplished over one or several procedures. You will have the opportunity to ask questions. They will also explain what you will be able to eat and drink before your surgery, and they will also advise you on what medications you should or should not take.
01 Consent
Before your surgery, you will need to sign a consent form. This may be at your pre-operative consultation or on the day of your surgery. We advise you to read the form carefully and ensure you fully understand the procedure, the risks and the complications and ask any questions you have before you sign the form. After you consent to the procedure, your surgeon will examine you and will draw some lines on the treatment areas.
02 Anesthesia
You will meet your anesthetist on the day of your surgery, and you will be taken to the operating theatre. They will either use a general anesthetic or give you a local anesthetic with IV (intravenous sedation). You will know before the day of your surgery which one you will be given.
03 Incisions & Procedures
Your surgeon can perform a variety of surgeries as part of your mummy makeover and so the position and size of the incisions will vary for each. Your surgeon will walk you through the exact procedures included in your mummy makeover well before the day of your surgery. The most common procedures combined for mummy makeovers involve lifting and rejuvenating the breasts and stomach.
As an example, find diagrams for the surgical procedures of breast reduction and tummy tuck below:
04 Closing of incisions
After your surgeon completes the procedures included in your mummy makeover, they will close those incisions using sutures. These sutures may or may not be dissolvable.
05 Returning to the ward
Finally, when your surgery is over, the surgical staff will take you back to the ward. You will likely need to stay there for at least one night. You may feel drowsy as your anesthetic wears off, but this usually only takes a few hours. It is vital that you follow your surgeon’s specific aftercare advice as this will help you during your recovery.
01 Infection:
All surgeries introduce the risk of infection to your body. Nevertheless, your surgeon and their team will take every precaution possible to reduce this risk. If you do get an infection, it will become apparent in the first 2 to 3 weeks after your surgery. You will notice that you are not recovering as well as expected. Often, when infections do occur after surgery, they are mild. They are generally wound infections or because of a delay in the wound healing. Consequently, these sorts of infections usually resolve with a course of antibiotics. On the rare occasion that the infection becomes more serious, you may have to have another operation.
02 Bleeding:
As you will have incisions made to the skin, you should expect to see some bleeding after the operation. This usually tends to be quite minor, however, in some cases the bleeding can be more severe. Severe bleeding tends to develop directly after the operation but can sometimes happen a little later. In cases of severe bleeding, you should seek medical attention straight away.
03 General surgical complications:
All surgical procedures carry some common risks. These include (but are not limited to):
- The formation of blood clots.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Blood loss.
- Reactions to the anesthesia.
04 Post-operative pain:
Your surgeon will make you aware of all the possible risks before you have the surgery. They will make every effort to prevent the occurrence of any complications. It is also important to follow your surgeon’s pre and postoperative guidance to further reduce the risk of these complications.
05 Scarring:
All of the mummy makeover procedures will involve your surgeon making incisions on your body. This means that unfortunately, you cannot avoid scarring. While your surgeon can hide some of your scars well, others may be more visible. Your surgeon can give advice on how best to look after your scars. Generally, with time, their appearance will fade. You can find out more about the scarring specific to each procedure using the links above.
06 Seroma:
Sometimes a pocket of fluid can develop after your procedure. This is known as a seroma and is quite a minor complication. The collection of fluid tends to be small and can resolve on its own. If you develop a larger collection of fluid, your surgeon may need to drain it.
07 Necrosis:
The blood supply to your skin, tissue and fat may be disrupted during your surgical procedures. If this disruption is large enough, it can result in some parts of your body losing their blood supply. If this happens, the affected area may die. The medical term for this is ‘necrosis’ and is quite a rare complication. The risk of necrosis developing is, however, increased if you are a smoker.
After the anesthetic
You will wake up gradually as your anesthetic or sedation wears off. You may also feel drowsy for some time, but this often wears off within a few hours. Furthermore, you may find that your concentration and memory is not as sharp as normal. This is a side effect of the general anesthetic and generally resolves within 1 to 2 days. Depending on the procedures you have chosen you may spend the first night in the clinic and then you will be driven to your hotel, where it is recommended you stay for 1-2 days before flying home.
After the clinic stay
You may wish to have someone stay with you at the hotel for the first 24 hours after surgery.
Your dressings will be different depending on which procedures you choose to have done as part of your mummy makeover. Your surgical team will advise you on which dressings you will have and how long you will have to wear them for.
Recovery Time
As each procedure in the mummy makeover is different, the recovery times for each varies too. The amount of time you will need to take off work will depend on the type of job you have. If you have an office job, you will usually be able to return to work more quickly than if you have a job with higher levels of activity. Similarly, you will be able to return to low impact activities like walking and cycling before you are able to reintroduce lifting heavy weights and doing intense aerobic activities. These are questions only your surgeon can answer.
Seeing the results of your mummy makeover will vary from patient to patient. It will depend on which procedure you choose to have done and whether they can be done in one sitting. Your surgeon will be able to give you more specific information during your consultation.
Your individual care plan
Your surgeon will give you specific advice on your mummy makeover aftercare. It is vital that you follow this advice to ensure that your recovery goes as well as possible. If you have any questions, you can ask them during your consultation or speak to one of our patient care advisers.
The mommy makeover will be performed as an outpatient surgery – This allows you to recover at home. For additional assistance during the first 24 hours, your surgeon may recommend an overnight recovery suite.
Your recovery can take from one to two weeks – Although this will depend on the specific procedures included in your mommy makeover, plan on your recovery taking up to two weeks, during which time you will be sore, bruised and swollen.
You will need help around the house – You will be tired and tender for several days after your mommy makeover, making routine chores impossible; enlist assistance around the house from a family member or friend.
No driving until certain pain medications have been stopped – Your surgeon will prescribe the necessary pain medications for a comfortable recovery, however, do not get behind the wheel while taking narcotics.
Swelling can last for six months or longer – While some benefits of a mommy makeover are immediate, the full results cannot be assessed until all swelling has subsided; this will take from six months to a year.
No heavy lifting, including babies – Vigorous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least six weeks after your mommy makeover; this includes carrying babies and children over 10 pounds.
A mommy makeover is for non-smokers – Smoking decreases circulation, delaying wound healing and substantially increasing the chance for serious complications to occur; stop smoking for at least four weeks before and four weeks after your mommy makeover. Better yet, use this as a reason to stop smoking altogether.
Get ready for a serious boost in self-confidence – Your mommy makeover will be life-changing, restoring confidence and pride in your appearance.
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First and always, it is all about you
We invite you to contact us at or +44 (0) 7522 403 355.
for a free pre-consultation.